HexBoard MIDI Controller

I started this project assuming I would be making something just for myself, but it would seem my initial assumption was incorrect…
You’ve Been There (feat. Cerebral Malfunction) – Single

[audio_player file="https://shapingthesilence.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/01-Youve-Been-There-feat.-Cerebral-Malfunction.mp3"]The flickering lights and hum of electrical equipment quickly fade to the back of your consciousness as you realize there is a body in the tank in front of you. What was going on here? Only one way to find out…
Below The Surface – Single

[audio_player file="https://shapingthesilence.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/01-Below-The-Surface.mp3"]It takes a lot of searching to truly understand. At first, all you perceive is darkness. Only after careful exploration do you finally begin to discover what is really lurking below the surface…
Falling Backward – Single

[audio_player file="https://shapingthesilence.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/01-Falling-Backward.mp3"]While climbing up from the abyss, be extremely careful looking back. It’s far too easy to lose your grip when you take your eyes off the goal…
Outlook Express – Single

[audio_player file="https://shapingthesilence.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/01-Outlook-Express.mp3"]In your journey through the snow, you come across a damaged cargo container. The spilled contents give off a strange glow that invites you to give it a closer look…
Drowning – Single

[audio_player file="https://shapingthesilence.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/01-Drowning.mp3"]The deep waters invite exploration, but you must stay vigilant. You never know what you may find…
Rediscovery – Album

Digging through and reviving old projects brings back all sorts of memories. The closure of completion places them into a sensible arrangement. By doing this, I rediscover the joy in creating.
Aesthetic Appeal – EP

When creating, I sometimes don’t know why something works. There is beauty in the mystery as it directs me towards something greater. A Design and Designer beyond myself…
Breaking The Silence – EP

Often, it is best to stay silent. A hasty tongue is a sure sign of a chaotic mind. When I am careful to measure my words, it’s much more meaningful when I do break my silence…
Koopa’s Road Dubstep – Single

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWe7K1DQRyI Sorry for scaring you with that uncomfortable close-up with the plumberman himself. Now try placing yourself in my shoes as I took that picture. Piranha Plants have nothing on Mario’s breath!